Bostrom-Cyber: a complete guide. Part 2 - How to obtain BOOT
How to obtain BOOT
Using the Osmosis Frontier
You can buy BOOT tokens at Osmosis Frontier. We will be able to exchange ATOM/OSMO/JUNO and many other tokens for BOOT tokens. I'll show You an example using ATOM.
First, let's go to Osmosis Frontier and connect our wallet:
Go to the Assets tab and look for the ATOM in the search bar:
Click on Deposit, choose the number of coins (leave some dust for commission) and click on Deposit:
Done, your coins will be displayed in the Assets tab. After that you can go to the Swap tab and exchange ATOM for BOOT:
Back to the Assets tab, now we can see our BOOT there:
Now, to transfer them to the native chain (Bostrom) click on Withdraw BOOT tokens:
Choose the amount and click on Withdraw BOOT:
Let's see our tokens in Keplr. To do this, open the Keplr wallet and select the Bostrom chain:
You can also obtain BOOT on, using IBC. We will be able to exchange, for example, ATOM or OSMO for BOOT tokens. I will show you an example using ATOM.
First, let's go to
If you have not yet registered and received your citizenship, then use our guide
Go to the Teleport tab:
We need to transfer ATOM from the native network to the Bostrom network:
Choose the amount of ATOM that we will transfer to Bostrom and click on Deposit:
By selecting the Bostrom network, we will see our ATOM on this network:
And now we can exchange our ATOM first for H(HYDROGENE), and then swap H for BOOT:
In the next part of our guide, we will learn how to get citizenship on Bostrom.
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This guide was created for Citizen Cosmos by Magican