Staking is the process of locking up a digital asset to provide economic security for a public blockchain. We have prepared a step-by-step guide on how to stake EVMOS using Keplr (you might be using any other wallet. It doesn't really matter. The staking option works more or less the same. The idea is that you need to find the 'reward' or the 'validator' tab and then delegate the desired amount to a desired validator).

How to stake EVMOS using Keplr Dashboard

To delegate the Сitizen Сosmos validator, you can follow this link or find the Citizen Cosmos validator manually, to do this open Keplr Dashboard(make sure you have some EVMOS balance).

The Keplr Dashboard website will open, and by scrolling down the page below we will see a list of validators:



You can find the Citizen Cosmos validator by scrolling down the page, or by searching for "Citizen Cosmos":


Click on the selected validator:


Another new window will appear. Next, click on Delegate:


Choose an amount to delegate and click on Delegate:


And confirm the transaction in Keplr:


Done. Your available and staked balance will be displayed on the home page, as well as in your Keplr:



If you would like to support our mission in creating educational content and aligning the goals of different communities, please stake with us here:

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