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Bojan Peček, Mass Adoption, Stablecoins & Web3.
In this episode, Citizen Cosmos speaks to Bojan Peček, Operations Manager at Liquity. In this interview, they discuss how the current banking crisis and the state of traditional finance is driving adoption of Web3 and how it will hopefully lead to mass adoption. They also follow the journey of a freelancer and ponder as to why more people don't take this route. Bojan goes into detail about Liquity and why it is the best borrowing protocol in his eyes and what the future holds for the project. The age old debate around stablecoins continues in this episode as well. As always Citizen Cosmos poses some tough questions as the devil's advocate around education and the nature of money and it ends with everyone's favourite, The Blitz.
Citizen Cosmos
Good space time yall In this episode of The Citizen Cosmos podcast, I spoke with Bojan from Liquity an Ethereum based borrowing protocol managed by Smart Contract. We discussed the value of traditional education of Web 3 freelance and the catalysis for mass adoption and the points of failure on project. We also spoke about people as currency, future of Stablecoin, the security of Multisig and the structure of liquity versus other similar platforms.
I think that Defi itself is not sufficiently interesting for the common person for us that financial systems actually help via their incompetence to push non trustless financial systems. Why are you building this? What problem is it solving? Who needs this? And if you can't answer that, then you shouldn't build a web 3 product they are providing defi and wider with reliable price sources, then they have I think a multisig 4 of 9 which can crash and burn all of defi.