Sometimes you need to send your tokens from one chain to another using Keplr. But many people really struggle with this. We made this guide for newbies to show how you can do this. We will show it on Osmosis to Evmos transfer. So, let’s go.

First, you need to turn Advanced IBC transfers on


Then, you need to copy your Evmos address


Then, you need to add New IBC Transfer Channel


And add EVMOS channel


And now you can transfer your tokens


Now, after you sent your tokens from Osmosis to Evmos you can stake them.

Click stake


You find a validator and click Manage


You enter the amount you want to delegate, and click Delegate. As a good practice you should leave some tokens for future fees


Then, you need to approve the transaction with Keplr

That’s it. You have transferred tokens from Osmosis to Evmos and staked them.

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